Satu lagi Korean Drama memikat yang hadir di tahun 2010., Ya karena sebenarnya serial ini baru tayang di KBS2 TV tepatnya tanggal 4 Januari kemarin.
Drama Info:
English Title: Lord of Study / God of Study / Master Of Study
Korean Title: 공부의 신
TV Station: KBS2
TV Series derived: Japanese TV drama for Dragon Zakura
Episodes: 16+
Broadcast Period: January, 4, 2010
Timeslot: Mondays & Tuesday 9:55pm (To Replace the drama Invincible Lee Pyung Kang)
“Entering Korea’s top prestigious university is a breeze if you are equipped with perseverance, study skills and a careful strategy”
Kang Seok-ho, a former juvenile delinquent–turned-lawyer, is requested to take care of the liquidation of Byeong-mun High School. Looking at the difficult situation the school goes through, Seok-ho decides to save the school and the one and only solution he comes up with to keep the school from breakup is produce as many as Cheon-ha University (CU) applicants.
Seok-ho expects that if the school continues to increase the number of CU applicants every year, more students want to apply for the school, and that helps Byeong-mun overcome its financial difficulties. He is allowed to set up a special class on condition that he would bring 5 students in three days and raise their grades to the point where they can enter Cheon-ha University without difficulty.
Meanwhile, a group of creditors barges into Hwang Baek-hyeon’s place. Baek-hyeon, a student of Byeong-mun high, is a juvenile delinquent who has no interest instudy . Out of sympathy, Seok-ho mobilizes all the knowledge he can to save Baek-hyeon’s family. He emphasizes the importance of learning to Baek-hyeon by saying “If you don’t want to be deceived by others, all you can do isstudy, study and study!!!”
Full of great anticipation, Seok-ho embarks on the special class. He makes the five students live together and invites high-profile instructors.
Now the journey to reviving the troubled Byeong-mun high begins!
Nah buat yang agak-agak penasaran sama jalan ceritanya., mereka udah buat teaser lho... nah berikut cuplikannya
God of Study merupakan drama Korea yg mengambil cerita ato remake dari drama Jepang yg berasal dari manga populer berjudul Dragon Zakura yg bakalan menceritakan kehidupan SMA. Drama ini bakalan diperankan oleh beberapa aktris muda dan senior, sebut aja Kim Su Ro dan Bae Doo Na sebagai gurunya. Serta, Yoo Seung Ho, Jiyeon T-Ara, Go Ah Sung (anak kecil di film The Host) dan Lee Hyun Woo (Kim Yushin kecil di Queen Seon Duk).
Kira-kira respon penonton nanti gimana ya…??? Kalo menurut Kalian sendiri gimana…???
Credit : allkpop
credit : asianfansclub
wah kren kyaknya ada yoo seung ho
:)] owh yah? kira- kira bakalan di putar di indonesia gak yah?
lumayan kocak ko ni film klo diliat cuplikannya.....
bole coment y...
dramanya keren!!!!
plus bnyk tips2 jg bwt bljr, memahami matematika, bhs inggris dll. ni edutainment bgt pokokny
blm lg crt perjungan 5 siswa itu yg hrs msk kelas spesial u k universitas terkenal, dr berbagai latar belakang klrga yg berbeda2..
wajib di tonton dc....
film film drama korea yg bergenre komedi emang ga kalah kocak ma drama taiwan..
top banget eh ni drama...
bagusss koo filmnya menceritakan ank sekolahh jadi bikin tambah semangat belajar....
juduLnya juga udah seru nih..........
wah udah dari bulan Januari kemaren pengen nonton tapi lum kesampean, moga bisa liat deh coz kyaknya nich drama seru...
bagus banget filmnya..
keren... ^^
ada kocaknya,sedihnya,dll..
wah nich film semangat banget , jadi semangat nich menghadapi uan hahahaha
baru aja selesai nonton god of study!
omg,,,drama ini the best banged deh!!
dijamin smua bakal suka!! keren!!
cakep2 lagi pemeranna... :D
Bagus kali ni drama, benar, bikin untuk motivasi belajar, bikin semangat!
tambah lagi endingnya yang tidak bisa diunkapkan dgn kata2..
ough,jadi penasaran nich!!kapan zaw masuk k indonesia!!!
kisah gil pulip dgan hwng baek hyeon sdih bgt....
ni kisah komedi ny dikit...
lbih bnyk konflik...
lbih bnyk konflik
god of study cerita nya bgus banget.....krna memberi semangat belajar buat anak2 sekolah byung moon dan memberi mereka kelas spesial
hallooo nama q lona
ihhh seru bangets dech flm na aq suka abizz seung honya pa lagi quuueeett abizzz
gak kalah lagi filmnya ttg pendidikan, kocak en mengharukann.
Kren banget,,, crta prtmanannya ok bgt!!!! D tyngin donk d indonesia :x
hem... aku pngin liat....
Ak udah nonton dramanya, bagus nih buat motovasi belajar. ak paling suka sama jiyeon TAra, imut bngeet
gw dah liat filmnya ... kocak, bikin sedih juga !!! pa lagi pas adegan hwang baek hyeon ma neneknya .. bikin gw nangis
so touchy !!!!!
ayo jadi semangat,,
motivasi bgt,,
motivasi bwat gwe ne, agar rajin belajar
kapan donk di tayangin di indonesia.....:)]?
cz, pengen banget nonton lgi nieeee. . .!!!!
sepertinya wajib di tonton..
i <3 it
saya suka lead aktornya...cuakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp;))
Menurutku, film ini sangat bagus. Terlebih banyak pesan moral yang disampaikan. Jadi inget masa-masa SMA,hehe...
pengen nonton lg..........pokony keren??????????????
i...yoo seung hoo cool abis